Massimo Marzi
6 Dicembre 2016
Barbara D’Alessio
6 Dicembre 2016Chef executive – Osteria La Gramola
— La Gramola’s Chef, Cecilia Dei, will teach you typical Tuscan & Chianti ingredients, as well as how to use them to obtain the best flavors and sensations. She will prepare with you our traditional recipes, highlighting their history and origin.
Working with her for a whole morning, you’ll appreciate the cooking methods used in our country many years ago, when people lived together in big families and grandmothers cooked for all family members.
Cecilia has a long experience in cooking. She started in 1990 in a very small kitchen, where she worked in contact with nature and Chianti hills, learning methods and products directly from Grandmother’s Chianti in a real “country style”, and acquiring her “real Tuscan roots” from traditional cuisine.
Cecilia Dei expanded her experience with important and famous chefs, both in her restaurant and in fantastic locations like Riva del Garda, Galatina (Lecce), Groen le bain – Provence (France), and she received visits from well-known chefs collaborating with them in the preparation of special events. Moreover, Cecilia represented “Tuscan cuisine style” for our Region at many exhibitions.
At present, she continues her research through historical and old books, in order to preserve old methods and flavors existing many years ago in our area. Cecilia is very proud of her many awards, and she is always happy to provide explanations and satisfy our guests’ curiosity about Tuscan flavors and sensations.